Baroness Miller tables clause to end non disclosure of sensitive evidence in inquests
On 21 October Baroness Miller tabled a clause to be inserted into the Counter-Terrorism Bill to bring an end to inquests where sensitive evidence is not disclosed to the coroner. The clause can be viewed here:
The organisation Inquest has campaigned for an end to the non-disclosure of evidence in certain inquests on behalf of bereaved families, like the family of Azelle Rodney. Three years after her son Azelle Rodney was shot and killed by police firearms officers, Susan Alexander is still waiting for answers. The inquest into her son’s death has been put on hold because of secret evidence withheld from the coroner. The government put forward Part 6 of the Counter-Terrorism Bill in part to deal with this issue – despite the fact that there has never been any suggested link to terrorism in this case. Baroness Miller’s clause will enable the stalled inquest into the police shooting to proceed.