BIHR human rights tour 2015
YLAL is taking part in the BIHR human rights tour which is 15 days of action to create debate about human rights. This starts from 2nd October, the anniversary of when the Human Rights Act became law in the UK. YLAL members in Sheffield and Manchester are helping with local events. Please come along to one of them, or any event near you elsewhere in the country, and be part of the conversation about human rights and why they matter. And tell your friends – spread the word beyond the usual suspects!
The Sheffield event is on Saturday 3 October from 2pm at Sharrow Community Forum, Old Junior School, South View Road, Sheffield S7 1DB.
The Manchester event is on Sunday 11 October at 6.30pm at Cross Street Chapel, Cross Street, Manchester M2 1NL.
You can register your free place at all events here: