CILEx enquiry
“The future of the legal workforce-can paralegals meet market needs?”
“The future of the legal workforce-can paralegals meet market needs?”
The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) are launching an enquiry to look at how many paralegals are working in the legal market and the extent and range of their duties.The enquiry will involve several roundtable discussions involving different focus groups, and will form part of research that will help to inform the level of regulation and scrutiny required with the emergence of more ‘career paralegals’.
YLAL will be submitting a short summary to the enquiry, with areas of concern that we feel the enquiry should cover. If you have any experience as a paralegal, whether or not this is something you plan to do as a long term career or as a gateway to further qualification, then your opinions would be welcome. If you have any positive or negative experiences to share, or have any ideas of key issues that you think the enquiry should be looking into then please complete the attached survey and email responses through to: