Civil legal aid from 1st April….Unified contract up date

Following the frenzy of activity and debate last week as to whether or not firms should sign the new contract for civil work, it now seems that many firms have signed the contract….But under protest.

Channel 4 news covered the story in an excellent piece on Friday 30th March: follow the link to watch the story

Following the frenzy of activity and debate last week as to whether or not firms should sign the new contract for civil work, it now seems that many firms have signed the contract….But under protest.

Channel 4 news covered the story in an excellent piece on Friday 30th March: follow the link to watch the story

The LAPG have today done a press release which CONDEMNS “ABUSE OF POWER” BY “LOATHED” LSC and provides an excellent summary of what happened last week as many respected practitioners felt compelled to sign under protest. Click here to read their press release.

An emergency order of the High Court obtained by a firm who have issued judicial review proceedings indicated the view that a ‘signature "under protest" – ie without prejudice to the contention that the unified contract was unlawful would be sufficient protection for the Claimant's position.' So it may be that this battle is not over yet.