HoL debate – 11 July 2013
On Thursday 11 July 2013, 1100, the House of Lords will be debating the “Effect of cuts in legal aid funding on the justice system in England and Wales”. The debate has been instituted by Baroness Deech. More information is available on the Parliament website here.
The debate has been timetabled at relatively short notice meaning that there has been very little time to publicise it. However the debate is a very important one. It may be the only chance that Peers have to debate the proposals in the Transforming Legal Aid consultation paper, before delegated legislation is laid this Autumn. The proposals will have a very serious impact on access to justice. More information and our views on the proposals can be accessed here.
We have updated our recent briefing for the purposes of this debate. This can be accessed here. If you are in contact with a member of the House of Lords, either through the Justice for All, “pair-up-with-a-peer” scheme, or for any other reason, please take a few moments to get in touch with them, remind them why this debate is important and ask them to attend. Please feel free to send them a copy of our briefing.