
April 3, 2012

Why we must protect the shrinking legal aid safety net

Nadia Salam has written for The Social Issue blog on legal aid cuts and the telephone gateway in December 2011…

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April 2, 2012

False Economy blog on MP report

Nadia Salam and Katie Tiley have written for the False Economy blog about our MP report:…

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January 28, 2012

Carers Watch blog post

Carita Thomas has written an update on the legal aid bill for the Carers Watch blog site…

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Quakers Asylum & Refugee Network article

Carita Thomas has written “Vulnerable Children will lose access to justice with cuts to legal aid” for the website of the Quakers…

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December 3, 2011

Legal aid cuts will punish victims of trafficking and exploitation

“Legal aid cuts will punish victims of trafficking and exploitation” ECPAT blog, 25th November 2011 by Birgitte Hagem and Laura Janes…

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Livid about legal aid

“Livid about legal aid” The Site, 22nd November 2011 by Maia Cohen-Lask…

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Legal Aid – why we can’t afford to see it cut

“Legal Aid – Why we can’t afford to see it cut”, Student Activist Diary, 24th September 2011 by Tom Kemp…

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Legal aid cuts aren’t just unfair…

“Legal aid cuts aren’t just unfair. They will cost more than they save” False Economy blog, 10th October 2011 by Connor Johnston…

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Legal aid: the need to campaign

“Legal aid: the need to campaign” JLD update, 18th October 2011 by Camilla Graham Wood…

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Cutting legal aid: austerity measures without foundation

“Cutting legal aid: austerity measures without foundation” New Economics Foundation blog, 27th October 2011 by Rachel Taylor and Katie Brown…

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