Take action: survey, fundraise
The Government has announced it will go ahead with cuts to criminal legal aid. We reported about this here. The Criminal Law Solicitors’ Association (CLSA) and London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association (LCCSA) have issued another claim for judicial review in relation to the Government’s plans, and have been granted interim relief by the High Court, putting the process of tendering for new “duty solicitor” contracts on hold until the full judicial review claim is heard in the new year. The claim will also be heard alongside one brought by the Law Society.
The LCCSA and CLSA have asked for action from all of us, to donate to their fighting fund for the judicial review (you can do that here) and attend a meeting in Camden on Friday 16 January (UPDATE – this has now been postponed – with likely new date the end of February – please keep an eye on our website for more info when we have it). You can also take part in fundraising by bidding for several great prizes in an auction of promises taking place on Facebook and Twitter – why not circulate information even if you cannot top the bids already made?
And elsewhere in the advice world, the Big Advice Survey has been launched, aiming to find out more about people’s advice needs all over the country. Watch a short video about it here. Please take the survey (link to website here) and spread word so more people get involved as this is a unique opportunity to build up a nationwide picture of current needs and advice use.