
March 4, 2012

False Economy blog post

Lara McCaffrey has written about the Kings College report on the false economy of the legal aid cuts.…

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Legal Aid Bill MP action

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill will finish its passage through the House of Lords on 27 March 2012….

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February 29, 2012

Last chance in the Lords…

On the 5th March 2012 the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill will reach its final stage in the House…

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February 13, 2012

Social mobility – call for action

Siobhán Lloyd reports back from the Westminster Legal Policy Forum meeting on 2 February where Katie Brown, co-chair of Young Legal Aid…

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February 1, 2012

Human rights essay competition

Law students, trainee solicitors, pupil barristers and junior lawyers (current, prospective or inbetween stages) are invited to enter the Law Society’s annual Graham Turnbull…

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January 28, 2012

Carers Watch blog post

Carita Thomas has written an update on the legal aid bill for the Carers Watch blog site…

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Quakers Asylum & Refugee Network article

Carita Thomas has written “Vulnerable Children will lose access to justice with cuts to legal aid” for the website of the Quakers…

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January 21, 2012

Minimum salary at risk

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has proposed scrapping the minimum salary for trainee solicitors. Young Legal Aid Lawyers is deeply concerned about…

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January 14, 2012

Legal aid cuts a false economy

Kings College have published a report Unintended Consequences: the cost of the Government’s Legal Aid Reforms, analysing the knock-on costs to the forthcoming…

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January 10, 2012

Public Law Training

YLAL TRAINING LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS FOR 2012 JUDICIAL REVIEW LECTURES Wednesday 29th February 2012- 6.30pm – College of Law, 14 Store Street,…

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