May 17, 2015

10 year celebration: catch up here

YLAL is 10   On Thursday 23 April we celebrated 10 years of YLAL at London South Bank University. Here are some…

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January 19, 2015

YLAL writes for Solicitor’s Journal

YLAL now write a regular feature for Young Lawyer and Solicitor’s Journal updating on government reforms to legal aid, and developments in…

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November 8, 2014

Ollie writes for Legal Voice

Oliver Carter, co-chair of YLAL has been writing articles for online journal Legal Voice since 2014. His latest article was ‘Labour lambasts…

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LAPG conference report

YLAL committee members Deena Blacking and Simao Paxi-Cato report back from the Legal Aid Practitioners Group conference for the online journal Legal…

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September 29, 2014

Crime legal aid cuts: your view

What is this all about? The Government has announced a new consultation on cuts to criminal legal aid, specifically its plans to…

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July 20, 2014

Legal Aid Update: Training notes

On 11 June we ran a seminar to update members on some of the key changes brought about under the Legal Aid, Sentencing…

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June 26, 2014

HoL debate 30 June 2014

On Monday 30 June 2014, after 1430, the second reading of the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill will take place in the…

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April 30, 2014

JCHR JR report

On 30 April 2014 the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) – a cross-party parliamentary committee composed of MPs and peers –…

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Lords debate JR reforms – 7 May

On Wednesday 7 May the House of Lords will debate a regret motion tabled by Lord Pannick QC “to move that this…

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April 28, 2014

Justice Select Committee – LASPO

The Justice Select Committee (JSC) has set up an inquiry into the impact of the changes brought about by the Legal Aid,…

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