October 22, 2009

Magee review: YLAL response

The Ministry of Justice has announced yet another review of legal aid, the Magee review. See http://www.justice.gov.uk/news/newsrelease131009a.htm YLAL includes both criminal and…

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October 8, 2009

YLAL responds to MOJ consultation ‘Refocusing on priority cases’

YLAL has submitted to the Ministry of Justice its response to the consultation paper ‘Refocusing on priority cases’. Response (including covering letter)…

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August 31, 2009

Supervision survey report published

YLAL has published its report into the findings of its 2008-9 supervision survey, which responds to the supervision ratio proposed by the…

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July 31, 2009

YLAL responds to Jackson report on costs, 31 July 2009

Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL) has today responded to Lord Justice Jackson’s preliminary report on civil litigation costs, expressing dismay at its…

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July 1, 2009

LSC responds to civil bid consultation

Young Legal Aid Lawyers “gutted” by LSC U-turn on supervisor ratios that may have disastrous impact on quality for clients YLAL was…

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June 24, 2009

YLAL wins LAPG outstanding achievement award

Young Legal Aid Lawyers was elated to receive an outstanding achievement award from LAPG at their silver jubilee Legal Aid Lawyer of…

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April 8, 2009

‘Legal aid in the twenty first century’ by Omar Khan

Click HERE to read an article that explains the current state of legal aid and its implications for those trying to enter…

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August 3, 2008

Quick, Dirty but Important: YLAL’s Research into unmet legal need at Court

Concerned by anecdotal evidence from its members about increasing numbers of litigants in person struggling in the County and Magistrates’ courts, and…

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March 5, 2008

YLAL Survey on Paralegals in legal aid: a growing and unhealthy dependency?

Paralegals are being exploited and underpaid, according to a survey of members conducted by Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL). Respondents also raised…

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