February 16, 2017

Response to BSB consultation

In January 2017, YLAL responded to the consultation by the Bar Standards Board on the Future Training of the Bar: Future Routes…

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February 13, 2017

YLAL South West 07.02.2017

We met at the University of Law, Bristol, on 7 February 2017 for our event ‘Uncovering the truth behind deaths in custody’,…

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January 14, 2017

SRA consultation response

On 9 January 2017, YLAL responded to the second consultation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) on its proposal to introduce a…

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November 11, 2016

Becoming a Legal Aid Lawyer

On Wednesday 9 November 2016, we held a careers event, ‘Becoming a Legal Aid Lawyer‘, at London South Bank University. Young Legal…

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November 5, 2016

YLAL North minutes 01.11.2016

On 1 November, YLAL North groups in Manchester and Sheffield heard from Lawyers Against Poverty about their exerience of the refugee crisis in Jordan.  In…

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October 14, 2016

YLAL Minutes 12.10.2016

At our last London meeting we heard from Mike McColgan from the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign about the need for a…

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October 4, 2016

YLAL North (Liverpool): Minutes 22.09.2016

Making a Murderer, in the UK? 22nd Sept 2016 Chris Topping – Director of JC Group and civil rights, actions against the…

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September 21, 2016

Politeia Legal Aid Event

On 14 September 2016, instead of holding a regular monthly meeting in London, we decided to attend an event held by the…

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August 6, 2016

YLAL Meeting Minutes 13.07.2016

YLAL Monthly Meeting – July 2016 Attendees: Rachel, Ollie, John, Imogen, Francis, Ian, Gift, Nathan, Phil, Nina, Callum, Catriona, Karolina, Richard, Martin,…

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July 5, 2016

YLAL Meeting Minutes 08.06.2016

Meeting in London  1. Welcome and introduction  2. Justice in the dock  Jodie Blackstock, Director of Criminal Justice at JUSTICE told us…

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