
October 6, 2008

Report says that CDS Direct restricts access to justice

The universal right of all suspects to consult a solicitor of their choice has been undermined by recent changes introduced by the…

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September 21, 2008

Birkbeck launches Denton Wilde Sapte postgraduate bursary

Denton Wilde Sapte LLP has donated £50,000 to Birkbeck’s bursary scheme for part-time post-graduate students. Click here to go to the website….

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September 17, 2008

Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2008

LAPG are calling for nominations for their 2008 Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards. There are nine categories including Young Legal…

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September 7, 2008

Book tickets for YLAL sessions at the LAPG conference here!

Students, LSC trainees and YLAL members can reserve places at the YLAL sessions at the LAPG conference in London on 10th October…

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August 25, 2008

Showing the importance of legal aid….

Two barristers from Doughty Street Chambers have highlighted the importance of good legal advice in housing matters. More information can be found…

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June 24, 2008

Legal Services Commission 2008 Training Contracts Scheme launched

YLAL welcome the LSC’s increase in the number of training contact grants to be made available for the next scheme.  While we…

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June 23, 2008

Civil Legal Aid campaign – get involved!

Young Legal Aid Lawyers are collaborating with The Access to Justice Alliance to collect evidence about the impact of recent legal aid…

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June 19, 2008

YouTube Videos of Question Time 08! watch it now…

Check out the events page here !…

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February 28, 2008

YLAL paralegal survey published

– click here to read the full report….

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January 16, 2008

LSC announce extra sponsored training contracts!

When it became apparent late last year that only 75 of the usual sponsored training contracts had been awarded by the LSC,…

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